Lauras Balakauskas, Laura Gedminienė, Žana Skuratovič, Rugilė Lalaitė, Giedrė Vaikutienė

Environmental changes in SW Lithuania during 8720–7990 cal yr BP: analysis of Lake Amalvas sediments

Abstract In this paper, we present the results of a high-resolution pollen study covering the 8720–7990 cal yr BP time interval from a well-dated core of lacustrine sediments in Lake Amalvas, southwest Lithuania, supplemented by loss-on-ignition and magnetic susceptibility analyses. The 20–25-year interval between samples allows for a temporally-detailed investigation of changes in sedimentation in the lake’s catchment and vegetation in its surroundings. Key findings include a marked increase in magnetic susceptibility and a simultaneous decrease in organic matter values at 8650 cal yr BP, indicating landscape instability due to local hydrological changes. An increase in alder pollen during 8510–8260 cal yr BP suggests heightened humidity, while a slight rise in birch pollen from 8530 to 8430 cal yr BP and a nearly simultaneous decrease in thermophilous tree pollen imply a cooling trend, probably linked to broader climatic fluctuations preceding the 8.2 ka event. Notably, evidence of the 8.2 ka event itself is negligible from the Lake Amalvas sediments, indicating a mild environmental impact in southern Lithuania. The precise dating of the Early Holocene hazel maximum (8640–8590 cal yr BP) and a notable increase in pine pollen between 8200 and 8160 cal yr BP provide valuable regional chronological markers. These findings enhance our understanding of Holocene environmental dynamics in southern Lithuania and offer reference points for future paleoenvironmental research.


Keywords Holocene; Boreal; Atlantic; pollen analysis; loss-on-ignition

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