Julius Taminskas, Marijus Pileckas, Rasa Šimanauskienė, Rita Linkevičienė
Wetland classification and inventory in Lithuania
SantraukaThe different conceptions of wetlands and their classifications as well as their definitions in Lithuania are represented in this paper. According to existing databases, Lithuanian wetlands are represented by: suo wetlands, peat1ands, lentic, lotic , and marine/coastal wetlands. The harmonisation of the Ramsar c1assification system with the traditional c1assifications of Lithuanian wet1ands is emphasised. The distribution of the distinguishable wet1and types is identified. The following Ramsar inland and man-made wetland types are found in Lithuania: non-forested and forested peatlands (9.9% area of Lithuania), seasonal pools on mineral soi1s and tree-dominated wet1ands (>13.92% area ofLithuania), permanent freshwater lakes (1.27% area of Lithuania), permanent freshwater marshes/pools (0.08% area of Lithuania), aquaculture ponds (0.18% area of Lithuania), ponds (0.16% area of Lithuania), water storage areas (0.3% area of Lithuania), excavations (0.04% area of Lithuania), permanent rivers/streams/creeks, seasonal streams/creeks (~0.69% area of Lithuania), canals and drainage ditches (0.11% area of Lithuania), and permanent inland deltas (0.01% area of Lithuania). The authors identified the following types of Ramsar marine/coastal wet1ands in Lithuania: permanent shallow marine waters (0.09% area of Lithuania), sand, shingle or pebble shores (94 km marine and 77.89 km lagoon shores), coastal freshwater lagoons (0.52% area of Lithuania).