Giyas Gurbanov
Analysis of landslide susceptibility in the Middle Araz Basin (Nakhchivan) using GIS
Santrauka In recent years, remote sensing methods and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), particularly their analytical tools, have been widely used to assess landslide susceptibility and evaluate landslide hazards and risks. These technologies provide significant advantages in collecting and analyzing data related to landslide susceptibility. This study analyzes the landslide susceptibility of the Middle Araz Basin (Nakhchivan, Republic of Azerbaijan) using GIS. Landslides are a serious natural hazard in our country, including in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, where 76% of the territory is mountainous. Landslide events cause substantial damage to residential areas and pose significant threats to human life, impacting environmental structure and local ecosystems. Early detection and analysis of landslide-prone areas are essential to mitigate these impacts and to implement necessary preventive measures. Assessing landslide susceptibility in the Middle Araz Basin is a novel undertaking. In this study, the weighted overlay method (WOM) was employed to develop a landslide susceptibility map. Field studies and observations provided landslide inventory data specific to the region. Various conditioning factors affecting landslides – including slope, aspect, elevation, relief curvature, proximity to river networks, distance to roads, NDVI, distance to faults, and precipitation – were analyzed to identify high-risk areas. The resulting susceptibility map categorizes the Middle Araz Basin into five risk levels: very high (1.8%), high (14.5%), moderate (25.5%), low (34.6%), and very low (23.6%). This classification aids in understanding the risk levels across different areas, thereby supporting the implementation of appropriate protective measures.
Doi Raktažodžiai weighted overlay method (WOM); remote sensing; landslide conditioning factors; gravitational force; slope; hazard mapping
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