Tracking cliff activity based on multi temporal digital
terrain models – an example from the southern Baltic Sea coast
Oil pollution and geochemical hydrocarbon origin markers in
sediments of the Curonian Lagoon and the Nemunas River Delta
Heavy metals contamination of the sediments of the
south-eastern Baltic Sea: the impact of economic development
Seismic shocks, periglacial conditions and glaciotectonics
as causes of the deformation of a Pleistocene meandering river succession in
central Lithuania
Modelling of glacially-induced stress changes in Latvia,
Lithuania and the Kaliningrad District of Russia
The Lateglacial-Early Holocene dynamics of the sedimentation
environment based on the multi-proxy abiotic study of Lieporiai palaeolake,
Northern Lithuania
Petrography and mineral chemistry of the Varena Iron Ore
deposit, southeastern Lithuania: implications for the evolution of carbonate
and silicate rocks and ore mineralization